Camp Programs

Summer Camp (Week Long)

Registration will open at 9am on November 26th (Black Friday)!

You must have activated your Adventure Card account at in order to receive any Adventure Card discounts. If you have not received an activation email, please send an email to

Boys and Girls

Campers will rock climb, learn shooting sports, build a campfire, do some crafting, learn wilderness survival skills and even do some outdoor cooking.

All our day camps adhere to the State of Massachusetts guidelines for COVID-19 precautions.

Join Day Camp Summer Staff!

Want to work at New England Base Camp this summer? Apply HERE.


Camperships Available

Cost should not be a factor in sending your child to camp. To apply for a campership, click HERE. Apply early as there are limited funds available.


Download the Health Form for Camp

Please fill out this form and submit before attening camp.

Health and Medical Form

This camp must comply with regulations of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and be licensed by the local board of health.